The last dance was only saved for Mexico, Korea and Japan.

Six concerts are planned before a “retirement” that we have been told too often lately.
Perfect, given the average age of the fan club waiting, we might get prizes for a group entry to a retirement house.

DATES of the “Last Dance” concert:

🥀MEXICO CITY Auditorio BB: July 6 and 7, 2024

🥀SEOUL Ewha Womans University Samsung Hall: July 13 and 14, 2024

🥀TOKYO LINE CUBE SHIBUYA: July 26 and 27, 2024



Will the rest of the planet be entitled to an official live online broadcast? Nothing is less sure…

We guess petitioning again to see this one live won’t help much.

Asking to see it on DVD or streaming later won’t have much effect either; no one has yet seen the filming of the last two tours nor the seven PRISM TIME concerts.

Do one save them for later?
We don’t know, for the moment priority is given to planting peppers.

So, we find excuses to minimize our disappointment, we make assumptions, we incriminate promoters, chaotic organizations, insufficient fees, exaggerated demands from an artist, but this does not concern us directly. It is the end that interests us, not the means used by a manager to get there.

Afterwards we are told, “you are never happy”, “being a fan of an artist consists of supporting him against all odds”.
All we know is that we are entering a fifth year of supporting an actor/singer whose concert we have never seen and whose last appearance in the cinema was more than 5 years ago.

Is a tiny “return on investment” too much to ask for?
A tiny rational reason that could explain his disenchantment with certain places?

We are jealous of Mexico because once again the choice was made to perform in Latin America, and we still find other excuses saying that if they had to choose a single country in Latin America to hold just one concert, Mexico  is the place to go, at least the concert halls will be full.

Would we be less sad if the concert only took place in Korea or Japan?
Certainly, and we don’t really know why.

The only thing that pleases us about this announcement is that once these last concerts are over, we will definitely stop asking him for a “dancing” concert,

…and probably we will  finally and once for all, manage to stop deluding ourselves and hope for a hypothetical concert elsewhere.

Because it is clear that either it is a lack of desire or ambition, or a lack of organizational skills which makes you give in to the easy way as soon as you find yourself faced with a discouraging obstacle. 

Knock, knock, do you know that out there there is a vast, magnificent place called the World  that is just waiting for you?