The cosmic alignment of stars and planets according to the celestial predictions of our Western astrological horoscopes hasn’t been entirely in our favor these days.

So we decided to turn to the Chinese horoscope, which aligns twelve very friendly little animals.

We wanted to warn you that this year will be our year, the year of the Dragons!

This is the most powerful sign in the oriental horoscope, symbolizing power, nobility, success, strength and energy.

Guys, we’ve got to make the most of it, because the opportunity won’t present itself again for another 12 years!


Just to clarify, the only dragons we’ve ever seen are the ones in the film Reign of Fire, and only because at some point in our previous lives we’d developed a fixation on Gerard Butler (yes, he had more fur than our current fixation), so when at some point in your existence you’re told that according to the Chinese horoscope you’re a Dragon, you’ve got the right to wonder what use that could be to you in your future!

But, when the time comes,  every twelve years, we’re so proud to have a tail and scales, in addition to the flame-spitting function that often comes in very handy…
(Yes, that’s what we look like, for those curious about our physical appearance).


We read somewhere that this was the year of the BLUE DRAGON.
There’s no mention of this type of dragon in the specialized works of Monsieur Jules Verne, but it would seem that it’s the year of the GREEN WOOD DRAGON, and since according to our calculations, the element Wood, in addition to the color green, are precisely the elements associated with our little personal dragon, we might as well tell you how triply lucky we’re going to be this year!

There’s just one tiny hitch.
Among the many qualities of Dragons there is one very, very big flaw : IMPATIENCE.

You don’t need a horoscope to understand that!
Just put yourself in the shoes of a Dragon who hasn’t been able to cross paths with a Tiger for 4 years!


Well, if after this promising year 2024, the Tiger doesn’t come out of his lair, we’ve already decided to go on to the other three horoscopes: the Mayan, the Celtic and the Egyptian.

Just need to warn the Tiger that the Dragon won’t wait another three years, and remind him that, according to legend, if the Green Wood Dragon, as a noble creature, remains unsatisfied, his interaction to maintain harmony between Yin and Yang, and even to maintain the balance of the entire universe, may be seriously compromised.


You’re right, it’s getting late, we’d better get to bed.

Good night.