Well, we weren’t planning to get back on Youtube anytime soon, but for different reasons we just posted a few short videos that we had only posted on Instagram lately.

On the one hand because the users are not necessarily the same on the two networks, and because certain contents are not distributed by Instagram in certain countries for political reasons  or for other restrictions on which we do not wish to spread out.

We will only say that some Kim Hyun Joong fans have kindly asked us to upload them somewhere other than Instagram so they can watch them; we will also try to post them shortly on the Vimeo platform, hoping that they will be visible, because Youtube also has restrictions.


Ah.. and no, we didn’t suddenly become painters, these are AI-generated images.

Each image is individually processed, edited and animated.
It takes a lot of our time and we would like that one do not minimize or disdain the work done.
A machine does not work alone, however intelligent it may be, and most of the time it is necessary to inform and generate 100 images to obtain a single valid one.

We certainly won’t have the time to reactively moderate the comments of what we have posted on Youtube as in the past.

We’re not talking about moderating sensed comments, we’re talking about the other solicitations that abound every time a content is posted.

So if you see weird messages from people pretending to be Kim Hyun Joong or strangers politely asking you to go for a ride with them, obviously don’t reply.

See you