The epilogue of MUSIC IN KOREA 3 now has subtitles.

We learn that contrary to what we thought there was no filming of season 4 at the same time as season 3.

We thought it was strange because the changing look of our cameleon won’t be the same next year, but we thought that maybe someone wanted to save money.

Sorry, our very big mistake, we are very very confused and we apologize very flatly.



In the next few months Kim Hyun Joong will be very busy, among other things with his album and his tour, but he tells us that he will find with his teams, the way to share with us videos type Documentary.

This will quench our curiosity about his way of working and creating and we know in advance that we will like it.

Concerning the songs of the next album, we still have a small clue.

There will be 12 songs in all:

“Four at a time,” he said,

…to which we will give a lot of love of course.



MUSIC IN KOREA season3 – Epilogue – YouTube