Episode 17 of Music Healing Room is online like every Wednesday.

This is the first part of the filming on this racing circuit.



YES, as usual you have to wait for the subtitles,  it’s a matter of 48 hours.

NO, they still don’t want overseas people to find episodes of Kim Hyun Joong’s official channel on Youtube, since they don’t even translate the titles of their posts anymore.

YES, someone seems to have decided that these are  videos for Korean-only audiences and existing fans.

YES, we are taking two steps forward and three steps back.

NO, we’re not going to get mad today, but only because the three of them are so cute.😋




‘Kim Hyun-joong has appeared on the circuit!’
You’ve probably seen a lot of articles about The team that Hyunjoong Kim visited from that circuit is Volgas!

The story of motor sports from the perspective of Hyunjoong Kim

And one surprising fact revealed at the beginning of the video…!

Please check the video