Just a warning for those who might be tempted to use sites that offer you the opportunity to attend a concert live.

We had already seen these scammers arrive during the last tour.
They are mainly on X (e.g. Twitter) and sometimes on FaceBook.

There were always one or two publications from super nice guys who offered you 5 minutes before the start of the concert to let you attend it live, but this time we are really surprised by the countless number of hooks found on the approaching today’s concert.

They’re all out fishing, don’t get caught in their nets.

Because obviously you won’t see the concert live,  even if some smart guys break into a concert hall and try to stream live, they’re bound to get spotted before they have time to record the entirety of a performance.

You will have paid money to have low quality images and you will be complicit as users of a strictly prohibited and unfair process.

📢 Scams!