As the year draws to a close, we’re also seeing a whole host of 2023 retrospectives and activity reviews.

We received a message from Youtube summarizing our “activity” on this platform over the past year, and even if talking about numbers isn’t necessarily what we like best (and even if it’s just a message from a nice robot who hasn’t forgotten us), we were  pleased to read it.

So we’d just like to share it with you, with a small sense of pride and not at all boastfulness, and thank all those who have looked at our Youtube, Instagram and other content on these pages throughout the year, and left a kind comment from time to time.

A little curiosity this year: usually, a short or a long video receives no more visits/views after one or two weeks online, but we don’t know why, one of our videos, created 3 years ago,  has been watched very actively for a few months without any explanation.

Either Mr Youtube have decided to put it forward in automatic playlists, or it has landed in the catalog of a number of Karaokes😂

It’s not a Kim Hyun Joong song, despite what some of the comments may imply, it’s just an association of beautiful images with a beautiful song whose lyrics seemed to us quite in tune with a situation at the time we created it.

It has surpassed in number of views two others that we prefer WHY and Just For My Love.

Like the last two, it took us a long, long, long time and isn’t perfect, but we like it too.

Here it is, and thanks to all of you, we’ll try not to take ourselves too seriously and just keep having fun in 2024.