We asked for your help in finding the names of some of the countries drawn by Kim Hyun Joong.

We didn’t ask you for money, just suggestions from the visitors of this site, but as usual we found ourselves playing alone, which is what we seem to have been doing for almost two and a half years.

One wonders where the French supporters of Kim Hyun Joong have gone!

Guys, it’s fine to ask him during LIVES to come visit us  and play a concert at the Stade de France, but we don’t even know if we’ll make him want to visit an Olympia, and let’s not even talk about a Zenith!


Well, if anyone is interested, we have assigned the names of the countries to Kim Hyun Joong’s drawings.


Good Sunday to everyone.

See you maybe next week, maybe in a month or maybe until we feel like playing again which we don’t at the moment.


╰⊱♥⊱╮ART & MATIC 🛸 🐾🦴🐶 WORLD TOUR ╰⊱♥⊱╮ – YouTube