It’s been a long time since we talked about the other artists on the Henecia label, but we hope you follow them on their networks.

The most active are ATOM MUSIC HEART , and we will have the chance this week to see them in concert “LIVE”.

Well, they will perform with other artists but it will be our pleasure to see them at the Veloso Hongdae.


Information from AMH on booking the  MERCURY performance


🎸 Online booking

Date: February 22 (Wed) 6:30 PM
Venue: Belo State, Hongdae
Reservation: Melon Ticket (accessible from links at bottom of profile)
Ticket Price: 55,000 won
Featured Team:
The galaxy cluster @eunhadan.official
Atom Music Heart @ atom_music_heart
Vanillare @vanillare


🎸  Timing in Korean time.
Admission at 6:00 p.m.
6:30~7:10 p.m. Performance by Eunha.
19:10~19:30 Change of scenery.
19:30~20:10 Atom Music Heart concert
20:10~20:30 Change of scenery.
20:30~21:10 Performance by Vanillair

*문의는 @squint_your_eye_official


Is available. We left the booking link through Linktree (check under our profile picture).
This live streaming is provided by Mahocast.
The concert details are pretty well written on the booking page but if you have any questions regarding the ticket, or the concert in general, please contact @squint_your_eye_official Thank you.










Just a little reminder of a message from Hun Joe.
This may make you want to discover AMH if you do not already know them.


When I’m not on stage, I try to live like a mandarin.

I try to blend into the mass of tangerines.

I pretend not to know things.

If there’s something I don’t know, I pretend to know at least a little.

This is my method of not being in the crosshairs of people.

This is how I can survive.

But on stage, I have to become extraordinary, something like a melon.

Look at me !
Listen to what I have to say!

The attitude must change.

The difference between tangerine and melon is gigantic, so after each step it is quite difficult to find the balance.

When I try to become a mandarin again, I feel like I’m not welcome in their group either.

This endless void after each concert is something I have to overcome.

I guess a lot of people feel the same way.

Some of us have to live with another ego in the world, different from the one we are in our bedrooms.

What can I say, the rules must be followed.

For now, I’m just grateful that the concert went well and for the people who supported our music.



Sincerely, AMH Hun Joe



AMH on Youtube